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Showing posts from September, 2019

Tie Dye Tips

Tie dye can be messy business but it is fun. My daughter is the tie dye pro and over summer break, she talked me into giving this colorful adventure I try. I splurged on a tie dye kit, bought us some plain white tees, and was instantly hooked. She wisely advised us to protect our work area with plastic and we like to do our messy craft outdoors on the picnic table. Moms, this is a MESSY fun project! You can tie dye practically anything. Beyond the tees, I made myself tie dye handkerchiefs which I love to bring to mass when I get teary eyes and my daughter has tie dyed canvas shoes and a baby pad for her horse! Colorful Ladies Handkerchief - Dry your eyes in style! Let your creative mind be your guide! Tie Dye Baby Pad for Horses With that said, now my sweet gem will share her tie dye tips for you. Tie Dye Tips: Wear gloves and clothes you don't mind getting stained Have a rag or plenty paper towels nearby for your hands between colors Use Natural Fabrics -

The Story Behind Baby Pads for Horses

Everything we create at Eclectic Vibrant Gifts has a story. Today I want to talk about baby pads for horses. Why on Earth do I embellish these? What was I thinking?! My daughter is 11 years old and has been riding horses since she was 6. We spend many hours at the stables and she has grown a nice little collection of horse supplies....including baby pads. I have always been someone who has liked to add a personal touch to everything. Make it just a wee bit more special, more unique, more me. Fortunately my daughter delights in this too so when I said, " Hey! Can I add a little splash to your baby pads? " she replied, " SURE! " I dream of hand making baby pads from start to finish but right now, I am embellishing them and it started with a seasonal touch last fall. Who wouldn't want a baby pad with a wheelbarrow full of pumpkins on it? Or a snowman? Or Santa? That has grown into flowers, butterflies, planets, and more. It delights me to see how al