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Sewn Masks - Comfort Masks you can make at home

When I first heard about sewing masks I was hesitant due to the fact that I know they do not offer the same protection as masks that can be purchased. Without going into details about all the different levels of masks, I am now offering my process for sewing comfort masks. And yes, I changed my mind when a friend asked me to sew her some masks. I was not immediately convinced but she got me going when she basically said, Erica, something is better than nothing and we need help. I was also torn as my email inbox has been bombarded with buy this emails and I feel in these times trying to get anyone to buy anything is wrong. I want to help you so I am putting together how I am making masks. I reviewed many patterns and pretty much chose one that I could do with the materials I had at home and as much as I love the masks with pockets to add additional filtration, such as vacuum bags, I don't own stuff like that so I am going for basic comfort masks. If you have a sewing machine a
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